IR Partner Won't Ask Nagasaki To Appeal To Tokyo's No

IR Partner Won't Ask Nagasaki To Appeal To Tokyo's No

The head of Kyushu Resorts, whose prefecture has been cited as a leaning partner in Nagasaki's acquisition of casinos and integrated resorts (IRs), said he would not ask the local government to file an administrative appeal against the national authority's decision to reject the December plan.

Takashi Oya of the Kyushu resort was speaking at the Nagasaki Prefecture parliamentary general affairs committee on Monday, according to data collected by GGRA's Japan correspondent.

The deadline for these appeals is March 27.

Mr Oya said: "We will not be asking for an administrative appeal to review the plan again because we should have more shortcomings than advantages."

The Nagasaki Prefecture IR Promotion Division previously identified private sector partners for IR as "Casino Austria International Japan" and "Kyushu Resort Japan and Advisors."

"We still believe the Nagasaki IR District Development Plan deserves approval," Mr Oya said in a commentary on Monday

He added: "The reason for the disapproval is the uncertainty of the criteria set out by the [national] government on the certainty of financing and the ability to implement it on the subject between Nagasaki and the national authorities, and the deviations of understanding."

The Nagasaki plan raised 438.3 billion yen (currently $2.98 billion).

Late last month, Nagasaki Prefecture's governor, Genko Oishi, said he had taken the view that it would be "nearly impossible" to reconsider Japan's central authority's decision not to approve plans for a meeting submitted in April 2022.

According to a correspondent from GGRA, Mr Oishi may confirm his decision not to appeal the matter on Wednesday.

At the current General Affairs Committee meeting last week, I heard that local authorities are "reducing" the IR promotion department this year and renaming it "IR Office".

The Nagasaki IR project was scheduled to land at the Huisten Bosch theme park (pictured) in Sasebo City, which is part of the prefecture.

Hyun said the project's "financial arrangers" include Credit Suisse AG, CBRE and Kanto Fitzgerald Securities Japan Inc.

BY: 바카라 필승법